July 6, 2023

Why do You Sabotage Yourself

Why do You Sabotage Yourself

In this episode, hosts Mary and Gary dive deep into the concept of sabotage and explore how it holds us back from achieving our desires. Here's what you can expect:

  • Discover the hidden dynamics and energies that derail us and prevent us from creating the life we want.
  • Gain insights into the unintentional self-sabotage we engage in based on past beliefs and societal pressures.
  • Uncover the fears and subconscious beliefs that keep us playing small and maintaining the status quo.
  • Learn how to expand your awareness and make conscious choices to overcome self-sabotage.
  • Explore the power of interrupting your default thinking, deciding to live as your true self, and taking inspired actions.
  • Understand how curiosity and self-love play a vital role in dismantling the blocks and restrictions that hold you back.
  • Hear real-life examples and practical strategies to help you break free from self-sabotage and manifest profound change in your life.

Join Mary and Gary as they guide you on a transformative journey towards creating your happiest life.

And be sure to check out the Intuition Amplifier Method that Mary mentioned so you can switch from old patterns of sabotage to manifesting magic in your life!

Create magic when you take your spiritual practices off your mat and into your life to manifest more peace, joy and abundance!

We love sharing spiritual insights, practices and meditations that are infused with our unique Woo Woo that Works approach so that you can live a happy and abundant life.

Join us and let go of old patterns and limitations when you expand your intuition and connect with who you truly are so you can fulfil your purpose and live as the Light you came here to be.


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