Nov. 28, 2023

Is Fear Holding You Back? Here’s the solution…

Is Fear Holding You Back? Here’s the solution…

How much is your life is limited by fears and hesitations? How are you holding yourself back from making choices or taking actions because of your worry about “what if” or a fear of the unknown?

So many of the people we work with know what they want. They can feel the future that is tantalisingly close, but they stop themselves from stepping into it because of a range of fears that may or may not be real. 

In this episode we get curious about how your fears might be holding you back and why there’s no such thing as a fear of the unknown.

Listen Now and Discover:

  • How your fears are constructed internally through past experiences, shared stories, and societal narratives.
  • The link between worrying about the future and our  longing to be accepted, approved of, and to belong
  • The role that shared stories, past experiences and cultural influences play in the creation of constructed fears.
  • The importance of being able to differentiate between constructed fears and real dangers when creating your future.
  • The power of testing assumptions and questioning the proof behind worst-case scenarios to break free from fears.
  • What you can do if you ever experience a fear of the unknown

Explore these Questions if you want to Go Deeper!

  • Are there situations where fear of judgement or rejection prevents you from fully expressing yourself? What internal stories influence your actions at those times?
  • When you feel stopped by fears become curious about your internal dialogue and the fears associated with potential judgement, criticism, or rejection. What stories are you telling yourself? How true are they?
  • Can you clearly tell the difference between fears based on past experiences or shared stories and real dangers that warrant attention and caution? How does this awareness impact your decision-making?
  • How do shared stories and collective consciousness influence your fears? Are there specific narratives from others, whether past experiences or societal stories, that shape your constructed fears?
  • When facing unknown situations, do you question the proof behind worst-case scenarios? Are you open to analysing the evidence supporting your fears and considering the possibility of a more positive outcome?

CLICK HERE to save your spot on our FREE Workshop Expand Your Consciousness to Manifest with Certainty

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Your life wasn't meant to be a struggle and a pale reflection of the richness and beauty you feel inside you!

You came here to be fully expressed, to live a life that lights you up and to be part of the ripple of love and positive change flowing out into the world.

Join us and let go of old patterns and limitations when you connect with who you truly are so you can fulfil your purpose and live as the Light you came here to be.

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